Which Poisoned Patients Need the ICU?


  1. Fraction of poisoned patients each year admitted to ICU/Stepdown
  2. Physiology of poisoning means that scoring systems meant to determine general illness like APACHE may not work.
  3. X previously developed INTOXICATE with methods that had results.

Project Roadmap

graph LR
    A[Replicate Study in US] --> B[Refine Predictors] & C[Extend to Childrens]
    B --> D[Prospectively Validate]
    B --> E[Prospectively Validate]

(Brandenburg et al., 2017) Developed INTOXICATE to determine which poisoned patients need admission to the ICU/Stepdown unit. Below is the model. SBPS refers to systolic blood pressure. EMV refers to the Glasgow Coma Scale (eye, motor, verbal).

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  1. 1.Brandenburg, R. et al. The need for ICU admission in intoxicated patients: a prediction model. Clinical toxicology 55, 4–11 (2017).


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