Danish Language

Danish Language


I wanted to learn Danish (and Icelandic) ever since I traveled to Iceland in 2018. (I traveled on WOW airlines a year before it imploded). I remember taking an elevator up to the top of the Hallgrimskirkja with a few tourists whose language I couldn’t place. I chalked it up to my lack of familiarity with Germanic languages.

Over the next year I started working on Icelandic. While reading Independent People by Halldór Laxness, I realized that the language I overheard in the church elevator was probably Danish.

Spoken Danish vs Written Danish Danish, similar to English, is not written phonetically. I found the YouTube channel, Mic’s Languages, helpful, although my audio comprehension still lags considerably behind my understanding of the written word and that channel stopped posting new videos around May 2020. NativLang has an informative description of the progressive loss of consonants and increases in vowels.

This blog post has good links to books in Danish on learning Danish. Saxo is a good Danish book store that ships to the US and provides e-book access for some titles.

I read Politiken and listen to their daily summary podcast, du lytter til politiken.


Subject-Verb Danish is a V2 language, which leads to inversion when the subordinate clause precedes the main clause. The second position in the subordinate clause is the first available for the content of the sentence because the subordinate clause must begin with a subordinating conjunction (like because [fordi]). It also leads to inversion when something else occupies the first slot in a main clause, for example an adverb(ial phrase) or prepositional phrase.

For eksempel:

  1. En kat ligger på bordet vs. På bordet ligger en kat.
  2. Jeg vidste det ikke denne gang vs. Denne gang vidste jeg det ikke.
  3. Det var sådan i lang tid. I lang tid var det sådan.

Object-Verb This also follows from the V2 requirement. It is a way to emphasize the object.

Adverb-Verb In the subordinate clause, adverbs, including ikke, preced the verb.

For eksempel:

  1. Tid, har vi masser af vs. Vi har masser af tid.
Resources I used:
  1. Complete (aka Teach Yourself) Danish
  2. Danish Tutor
  3. Danish: An Elementary Grammar and Reader
  4. DuoLingo: Danish
  5. Tomas’ YouTube Channel

Words I’ve learned from Ligetil

genåbning reopening   det vil løbende blive udbygget it will be continuously updated
vækker formentlig glæde probably brings joy   afgangsprøver final exams
afgørende essential (d.v.s meget vigtig)   insatsen the effort
afklaring clarification   at understrege to emphasize
indflydelse influence (cf. påvirkning)   at anbefale to recommend (cf. at foreslå eller at proponere [to propose])
engroshandel wholesale   sektorpartnerskabet indrettet retningslinjerne a coalition set out the guidelines
dagtilbud day care   trygge safe
at aflevere to deliver   at bakke op to support
kommer også til at gælde i … also applies to   udstrakt Extensive
muligheder options   følgevirkninger Consequences
nedlukningen the shutdown (cf. le confinement)   fordobling i antallet af smittede og daglige indlagte doubling in the number of infected and daily admitted patients
beregningerne the calculations   forbundet med en vis usikkerhed. associated with some uncertainty
at medføre to entail   røbede revealed
at udvide køb to expand purchases   de har også kurs mod … they are also heading to …
I løbet af during the …   at forhandle to negotiate
oprindelse (cf. rod, genese) origin   undersøge (cf udforske, eksaminere) examine,
opstod occurred   at fremlægge (cf, fremvise, udstille) to present
til gengæld in return   kunnet feje en teori could only dismiss (lit (sweep)) a theory
en hændelse an incident   udbrud outbreak
de første tilfælde the first cases   omtalte talked about
begrænset sig limited itself   udelukke exclude
smittetilfælde cases of infection   netop exactly
sandsynligt likely   forstærker amplifier
i forhold til boderne in relation to the stalls   overbevisning belief
smittekæde chain of infection   flagermus eller skældyr bats or shellfish
der i forvejen huser which already houses (here cultures)   enslignende similar
vurdering assessment   førhen formerly
anlager (brought, as in brought to bear)   tillid confidence
at slå to sound   håndteringen the handling
opsagen to resign   set skævt til looked askance at
meldingen messages, notifications   gentagen repeated
udmeldinger announcements   forbygges is prevented
fastholdt maintained   at bevise to promote
påstand assertion   uddelte distributed
det blandt andet among other things   fremhævet highlighted
efterfølgelse follow-up   lemfældige omgang careless handling
menneskerettighederne human rights   omfattende comprehensive